Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
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Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
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File: classes/Conditions.php
public function generate_post_type_conditions() { $conditions = array(); $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' ); foreach ( $post_types as $name => $post_type ) { if ( $name == 'popup' || $name == 'popup_theme' ) { continue; } if ( $post_type->has_archive ) { $conditions[ $name . '_index' ] = array( 'group' => $post_type->labels->name, 'name' => sprintf( _x( '%s Archive', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: All', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ), 'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ), 'priority' => 5, ); } $conditions[ $name . '_all' ] = array( 'group' => $post_type->labels->name, 'name' => sprintf( _x( 'All %s', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: All', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ), 'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ), ); $conditions[ $name . '_selected' ] = array( 'group' => $post_type->labels->name, 'name' => sprintf( _x( '%s: Selected', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: Selected', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ), 'fields' => array( 'selected' => array( 'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Select Posts', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->name ) ), 'type' => 'postselect', 'post_type' => $name, 'multiple' => true, 'as_array' => true, 'std' => array(), ), ), 'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ), ); $conditions[ $name . '_ID' ] = array( 'group' => $post_type->labels->name, 'name' => sprintf( _x( '%s: ID', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: ID', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ), 'fields' => array( 'selected' => array( 'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( '%s IDs: 128, 129', 'condition: post type singular label ie. Posts IDs', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->singular_name ) ), 'type' => 'text', ), ), 'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ), ); if ( is_post_type_hierarchical( $name ) ) { $conditions[ $name . '_children' ] = array( 'group' => $post_type->labels->name, 'name' => sprintf( _x( '%s: Child Of', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: ID', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ), 'fields' => array( 'selected' => array( 'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Select Posts', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->name ) ), 'type' => 'postselect', 'post_type' => $name, 'multiple' => true, 'as_array' => true, ), ), 'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ), ); $conditions[ $name . '_ancestors' ] = array( 'group' => $post_type->labels->name, 'name' => sprintf( _x( '%s: Ancestor Of', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: ID', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ), 'fields' => array( 'selected' => array( 'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Select Posts', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->name ) ), 'type' => 'postselect', 'post_type' => $name, 'multiple' => true, 'as_array' => true, ), ), 'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ), ); } $templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates(); if ( $name == 'page' && ! empty( $templates ) ) { $conditions[ $name . '_template' ] = array( 'group' => $post_type->labels->name, 'name' => sprintf( _x( '%s: With Template', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Pages: With Template', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ), 'fields' => array( 'selected' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'select2' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'as_array' => true, 'options' => array_merge( array( 'default' => __( 'Default', 'popup-maker' ) ), $templates ), ), ), 'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ), ); } $conditions = array_merge( $conditions, $this->generate_post_type_tax_conditions( $name ) ); } return $conditions; }
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