
Class Conditions

Description Description

Source Source

File: classes/Conditions.php

class PUM_Conditions {

	 * @var
	public static $instance;

	 * @var bool
	public $preload_posts = false;

	 * @var array
	public $conditions;

	 * @var array
	public $condition_sort_order = array();

	public static function init() {

	 * @return self
	public static function instance() {
		if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) {
			self::$instance                = new self;
			self::$instance->preload_posts = popmake_is_admin_popup_page();

		return self::$instance;

	 * @param array $conditions
	public function add_conditions( $conditions = array() ) {
		foreach ( $conditions as $key => $condition ) {
			if ( empty( $condition['id'] ) && ! is_numeric( $key ) ) {
				$condition['id'] = $key;

			$this->add_condition( $condition );

	 * @param array $condition
	public function add_condition( $condition = array() ) {
		if ( ! empty( $condition['id'] ) && ! isset ( $this->conditions[ $condition['id'] ] ) ) {
			$condition = wp_parse_args( $condition, array(
				'id'       => '',
				'callback' => null,
				'group'    => '',
				'name'     => '',
				'priority' => 10,
				'fields'   => array(),
				'advanced' => false,
			) );

			$this->conditions[ $condition['id'] ] = $condition;


	 * @return array
	public function get_conditions() {
		if ( ! isset( $this->conditions ) ) {

		return $this->conditions;

	 * @return array|mixed
	public function condition_sort_order() {
		if ( ! $this->condition_sort_order ) {

			$order = array(
				__( 'General', 'popup-maker' )    => 1,
				__( 'Pages', 'popup-maker' )      => 5,
				__( 'Posts', 'popup-maker' )      => 5,
				__( 'Categories', 'popup-maker' ) => 14,
				__( 'Tags', 'popup-maker' )       => 14,
				__( 'Format', 'popup-maker' )     => 16,

			$post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ), 'objects' );
			foreach ( $post_types as $name => $post_type ) {
				$order[ $post_type->labels->name ] = 10;

			$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ), 'objects' );
			foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax_name => $taxonomy ) {
				$order[ $taxonomy->labels->name ] = 15;

			$this->condition_sort_order = apply_filters( 'pum_condition_sort_order', $order );


		return $this->condition_sort_order;

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	public function sort_condition_groups( $a, $b ) {

		$order = $this->condition_sort_order();

		$ai = isset( $order[ $a ] ) ? intval( $order[ $a ] ) : 10;
		$bi = isset( $order[ $b ] ) ? intval( $order[ $b ] ) : 10;

		if ( $ai == $bi ) {
			return 0;

		// Compare their positions in line.
		return $ai > $bi ? 1 : - 1;

	 * @return array
	public function get_conditions_by_group() {
		static $groups;

		if ( ! isset( $groups ) ) {

			$groups = array();

			foreach ( $this->get_conditions() as $condition ) {
				$groups[ $condition['group'] ][ $condition['id'] ] = $condition;

			uksort( $groups, array( $this, 'sort_condition_groups' ) );


		return $groups;

	 * @return array
	public function dropdown_list() {
		$groups = array();

		$conditions_by_group = $this->get_conditions_by_group();

		foreach ( $conditions_by_group as $group => $_conditions ) {

			$conditions = array();

			foreach ( $_conditions as $id => $condition ) {
				$conditions[ $id ] = $condition['name'];

			$groups[ $group ] = $conditions;

		return $groups;

	 * @param null $condition
	 * @return mixed|null
	public function get_condition( $condition = null ) {
		$conditions = $this->get_conditions();

		return isset( $conditions[ $condition ] ) ? $conditions[ $condition ] : null;

	 * @return array
	public function generate_post_type_conditions() {
		$conditions = array();
		$post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );

		foreach ( $post_types as $name => $post_type ) {

			if ( $name == 'popup' || $name == 'popup_theme' ) {

			if ( $post_type->has_archive ) {
				$conditions[ $name . '_index' ] = array(
					'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
					'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s Archive', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: All', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ),
					'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ),
					'priority' => 5,

			$conditions[ $name . '_all' ] = array(
				'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
				'name'     => sprintf( _x( 'All %s', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: All', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ),
				'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ),

			$conditions[ $name . '_selected' ] = array(
				'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
				'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: Selected', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: Selected', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ),
				'fields'   => array(
					'selected' => array(
						'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Select Posts', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->name ) ),
						'type'        => 'postselect',
						'post_type'   => $name,
						'multiple'    => true,
						'as_array'    => true,
						'std'         => array(),
				'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ),

			$conditions[ $name . '_ID' ] = array(
				'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
				'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: ID', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: ID', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ),
				'fields'   => array(
					'selected' => array(
						'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( '%s IDs: 128, 129', 'condition: post type singular label ie. Posts IDs', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->singular_name ) ),
						'type'        => 'text',
				'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ),

			if ( is_post_type_hierarchical( $name ) ) {
				$conditions[ $name . '_children' ] = array(
					'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
					'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: Child Of', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: ID', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ),
					'fields'   => array(
						'selected' => array(
							'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Select Posts', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->name ) ),
							'type'        => 'postselect',
							'post_type'   => $name,
							'multiple'    => true,
							'as_array'    => true,
					'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ),

				$conditions[ $name . '_ancestors' ] = array(
					'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
					'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: Ancestor Of', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Posts: ID', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ),
					'fields'   => array(
						'selected' => array(
							'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Select Posts', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $post_type->labels->name ) ),
							'type'        => 'postselect',
							'post_type'   => $name,
							'multiple'    => true,
							'as_array'    => true,
					'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ),


			$templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates();

			if ( $name == 'page' && ! empty( $templates ) ) {
				$conditions[ $name . '_template' ] = array(
					'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
					'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: With Template', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Pages: With Template', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name ),
					'fields'   => array(
						'selected' => array(
							'type'     => 'select',
							'select2'  => true,
							'multiple' => true,
							'as_array' => true,
							'options'  => array_merge( array( 'default' => __( 'Default', 'popup-maker' ) ), $templates ),
					'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type' ),

			$conditions = array_merge( $conditions, $this->generate_post_type_tax_conditions( $name ) );


		return $conditions;

	 * @param $name
	 * @return array
	public function generate_post_type_tax_conditions( $name ) {
		$post_type  = get_post_type_object( $name );
		$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $name, 'object' );
		$conditions = array();
		foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax_name => $taxonomy ) {

			$conditions[ $name . '_w_' . $tax_name ] = array(
				'group'    => $post_type->labels->name,
				'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%1$s: With %2$s', 'condition: post type plural and taxonomy singular label ie. Posts: With Category', 'popup-maker' ), $post_type->labels->name, $taxonomy->labels->singular_name ),
				'fields'   => array(
					'selected' => array(
						'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: post type plural label ie. Select categories', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $taxonomy->labels->name ) ),
						'type'        => 'taxonomyselect',
						'taxonomy'    => $tax_name,
						'multiple'    => true,
						'as_array'    => true,
				'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'post_type_tax' ),

		return $conditions;

	 * Generates conditions for all public taxonomies.
	 * @return array
	public function generate_taxonomy_conditions() {
		$conditions = array();
		$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );

		foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax_name => $taxonomy ) {

			$conditions[ 'tax_' . $tax_name . '_all' ] = array(
				'group'    => $taxonomy->labels->name,
				'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: All', 'condition: taxonomy plural label ie. Categories: All', 'popup-maker' ), $taxonomy->labels->name ),
				'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'taxonomy' ),

			$conditions[ 'tax_' . $tax_name . '_selected' ] = array(
				'group'    => $taxonomy->labels->name,
				'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: Selected', 'condition: taxonomy plural label ie. Categories: Selected', 'popup-maker' ), $taxonomy->labels->name ),
				'fields'   => array(
					'selected' => array(
						'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( 'Select %s.', 'condition: taxonomy plural label ie. Select Categories', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $taxonomy->labels->name ) ),
						'type'        => 'taxonomyselect',
						'taxonomy'    => $tax_name,
						'multiple'    => true,
						'as_array'    => true,
				'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'taxonomy' ),

			$conditions[ 'tax_' . $tax_name . '_ID' ] = array(
				'group'    => $taxonomy->labels->name,
				'name'     => sprintf( _x( '%s: IDs', 'condition: taxonomy plural label ie. Categories: Selected', 'popup-maker' ), $taxonomy->labels->name ),
				'fields'   => array(
					'selected' => array(
						'placeholder' => sprintf( _x( '%s IDs: 128, 129', 'condition: taxonomy plural label ie. Category IDs', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( $taxonomy->labels->singular_name ) ),
						'type'        => 'text',
				'callback' => array( 'PUM_ConditionCallbacks', 'taxonomy' ),


		return $conditions;

	 * Registers all known conditions when called.
	public function register_conditions() {
		$conditions = array_merge( $this->generate_post_type_conditions(), $this->generate_taxonomy_conditions() );

		$conditions['is_front_page'] = array(
			'group'    => __( 'General', 'popup-maker' ),
			'name'     => __( 'Home Page', 'popup-maker' ),
			'callback' => 'is_front_page',
			'priority' => 2,

		$conditions['is_home'] = array(
			'group'    => __( 'Posts', 'popup-maker' ),
			'name'     => __( 'Blog Index', 'popup-maker' ),
			'callback' => 'is_home',
			'priority' => 1,

		$conditions['is_search'] = array(
			'group'    => __( 'General', 'popup-maker' ),
			'name'     => __( 'Search Result Page', 'popup-maker' ),
			'callback' => 'is_search',

		$conditions['is_404'] = array(
			'group'    => __( 'General', 'popup-maker' ),
			'name'     => __( '404 Error Page', 'popup-maker' ),
			'callback' => 'is_404',

		$conditions = apply_filters( 'pum_registered_conditions', $conditions );

		// @deprecated filter.
		$old_conditions = apply_filters( 'pum_get_conditions', array() );

		foreach ( $old_conditions as $id => $condition ) {
			if ( ! empty( $condition['labels'] ) && ! empty( $condition['labels']['name'] ) ) {
				$condition['name'] = $condition['labels']['name'];
				unset( $condition['labels'] );
			if ( ! isset( $conditions[ $id ] ) ) {
				$conditions[ $id ] = $condition;

		$this->add_conditions( $conditions );

	 * Gets a filterable array of the allowed user roles.
	 * @return array
	public static function allowed_user_roles() {
		global $wp_roles;

		static $roles;

		if ( ! isset( $roles ) && is_object( $wp_roles ) ) {
			$roles = apply_filters( 'pum_user_roles', $wp_roles->role_names );

			if ( ! is_array( $roles ) || empty( $roles ) ) {
				$roles = array();

		} else {
			return array();

		return $roles;


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