Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php:11668
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php:11668
Method: Sets the keepalive time to now.
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php:5773
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php:4480
Method: Makes Freemius-related updates unavailable on the “Add Plugins” admin page (/plugin-install.php) so that they won’t interfere with the .org plugins’ functionalities on that page (e.g. updating of a .org plugin).
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php:1467
Method: Prepends the `fs_allow_updater_and_dialog` param to the plugin information URLs to tell the SDK to handle the information that is shown on the plugin details dialog that is shown when the relevant link is clicked.
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php:1488
Method: Check if the current page is the Gutenberg block editor.
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/managers/class-fs-admin-notice-manager.php:301