Method: Adds the Popup ID right under the “Edit Popup” heading
Source: classes/Admin/Popups.php:87
Method: Adds the Popup ID right under the “Edit Popup” heading
Source: classes/Admin/Popups.php:87
Method: Displays the contents of the Error Log tab
Source: classes/Admin/Tools.php:208
Method: Displays the content for the Scheduled Actions tab.
Source: classes/Admin/Tools.php:229
Method: Displays the contents for the Import tab
Source: classes/Admin/Tools.php:241
Method: Empties error log when user clicks on button
Source: classes/Admin/Tools.php:265
Method: Retrieves error log and prepares it for displaying
Source: classes/Admin/Tools.php:350
Method: Sets the enabled meta field to on or off
Source: classes/Admin/Ajax.php:31
Method: Retrieves the url to the file
Source: classes/Utils/Logging.php:80