Function: Enqueues our install theme function on wp_loaded if Popup Maker core was updated.
Source: includes/pum-install-functions.php:46
Function: Enqueues our install theme function on wp_loaded if Popup Maker core was updated.
Source: includes/pum-install-functions.php:46
Method: Enqueues and prepares our styles and scripts for the admin bar
Source: includes/modules/admin-bar.php:235
Method: Appends our main tour for the popup editor to pointers.
Source: classes/Admin/Onboarding.php:176
Method: Appends our main tour for the All Popups page.
Source: classes/Admin/Onboarding.php:262
Method: Retrieves all dismissed pointers by user
Source: classes/Admin/Onboarding.php:441
Method: Ensures pointer is set up correctly.
Source: classes/Admin/Onboarding.php:496
Class: Handles all onboarding throughout site admin areas.
Source: classes/Admin/Onboarding.php:12
Method: Sets up all guided tours for Popup Maker
Source: classes/Admin/Onboarding.php:99
Method: Retrieves the pointers for the given screen or current screen
Source: classes/Admin/Onboarding.php:155
Method: Handles if alert was dismissed by page reload instead of AJAX
Source: classes/Utils/Alerts.php:484