Filter Hook: Cache plugin details locally since set_site_transient( ‘update_plugins’ ) called multiple times and the non plugins are filtered after the call to .org.
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:697
Filter Hook: Filters the number of items to be displayed on each page of the list table.
Source: classes/ListTable.php:701
Filter Hook: Filters the list table Bulk Actions drop-down.
Source: classes/ListTable.php:425
Filter Hook: Filters whether to remove the ‘Months’ drop-down from the post list table.
Source: classes/ListTable.php:520
Filter Hook: Allow immediate installation if one of the following: 1. add-on.
Source: includes/pum-sdk/freemius/includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:569
Filter Hook: Filters the name of the primary column for the current list table.
Source: classes/ListTable.php:926
Filter Hook: Filters the list table sortable columns for a specific screen.
Source: classes/ListTable.php:969
Filter Hook: Filters the ‘Months’ drop-down results.
Source: classes/ListTable.php:547
Action Hook: Apply @deprecated filters & process old fields for compatibility.
Source: includes/functions-backcompat.php:51
Source: classes/Types.php:118