Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 813
pum_autoloader( $class )
Class Autoloader
Description Description
Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 813
Parameters Parameters
- $class
Source Source
File: popup-maker.php
function pum_autoloader( $class ) { if ( strncmp( 'PUM_Newsletter_', $class, strlen( 'PUM_Newsletter_' ) ) === 0 && class_exists( 'PUM_MCI' ) && ! empty( PUM_MCI::$VER ) && version_compare( PUM_MCI::$VER, '1.3.0', '<' ) ) { return; } $pum_autoloaders = apply_filters( 'pum_autoloaders', array( array( 'prefix' => 'PUM_', 'dir' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/', ), ) ); foreach ( $pum_autoloaders as $autoloader ) { $autoloader = wp_parse_args( $autoloader, array( 'prefix' => 'PUM_', 'dir' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/', 'search' => '_', 'replace' => '/', ) ); // project-specific namespace prefix $prefix = $autoloader['prefix']; // does the class use the namespace prefix? $len = strlen( $prefix ); if ( strncmp( $prefix, $class, $len ) !== 0 ) { // no, move to the next registered autoloader continue; } // get the relative class name $relative_class = substr( $class, $len ); // replace the namespace prefix with the base directory, replace namespace // separators with directory separators in the relative class name, append // with .php $file = $autoloader['dir'] . str_replace( $autoloader['search'], $autoloader['replace'], $relative_class ) . '.php'; // if the file exists, require it if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { require_once $file; } } }
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