Source: includes/functions/general.php:125
Source: includes/functions/general.php:125
Function: Checks whether function is disabled.
Source: includes/functions/general.php:196
Function: Returns $_POST key.
Source: includes/functions/general.php:181
Function: Get the current blog db_ver.
Source: includes/functions/general.php:16
Function: Returns the default theme_id from global settings.
Source: includes/functions/general.php:29
Function: Gets the cache close_text of a theme from wp_options to prevent un-needed queries on the front end.
Source: includes/functions/general.php:56
Function: Gets the cache of theme close text from wp_options to prevent un-needed queries on the front end.
Source: includes/functions/general.php:69
Function: Updates the cache of theme close text to prevent un-needed queries on the front end.
Source: includes/functions/general.php:86
Source: includes/functions/general.php:107
Source: includes/functions/general.php:116