
Description Description

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File: classes/Shortcode/Popup.php

	public function fields() {
		return array(
			'general'   => array(
				'main' => array(
					'id'    => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Unique Popup ID', 'popup-maker' ),
						'placeholder' => __( '`offer`, `more-info`', 'popup-maker' ),
						'desc'        => __( 'Used in popup triggers to target this popup', 'popup-maker' ),
						'priority'    => 5,
						'required'    => true,
					'title' => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Popup Title', 'popup-maker' ),
						'placeholder' => __( 'Enter popup title text,', 'popup-maker' ),
						'desc'        => __( 'This will be displayed above the content. Leave it empty to disable it.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'priority'    => 10,
			'display'   => array(
				'main' => array(
					'theme_id'         => array(
						'type'        => 'select',
						'label'       => __( 'Popup Theme', 'popup-maker' ),
						'placeholder' => __( 'Choose a theme,', 'popup-maker' ),
						'desc'        => __( 'Choose which popup theme will be used.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'std'         => pum_get_default_theme_id(),
						'select2'     => true,
						'options'     => pum_is_settings_page() ? PUM_Helpers::popup_theme_selectlist() : null,
						'required'    => true,
						'priority'    => 5,
					'overlay_disabled' => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Disable Overlay', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => __( 'Checking this will disable and hide the overlay for this popup.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'        => 'checkbox',
						'std'         => false,
						'priority'    => 10,
					'size'             => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Size', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => __( 'Select the size of the popup.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'        => 'select',
						'std'         => 'small',
						'options'     => array_flip( apply_filters( 'popmake_popup_display_size_options', array() ) ),
						'priority'    => 15,
					'width'            => array(
						'label'    => __( 'Width', 'popup-maker' ),
						'priority' => 20,
					'width_unit'       => array(
						'label'    => __( 'Width Unit', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'     => 'select',
						'std'      => 'px',
						'options'  => array_flip( apply_filters( 'popmake_size_unit_options', array() ) ),
						'priority' => 25,
					'height'           => array(
						'label'    => __( 'Height', 'popup-maker' ),
						'priority' => 30,
					'height_unit'      => array(
						'label'    => __( 'Height Unit', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'     => 'select',
						'std'      => 'px',
						'options'  => array_flip( apply_filters( 'popmake_size_unit_options', array() ) ),
						'priority' => 35,
			'position'  => array(
				'main' => array(
					'location'        => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Location', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => __( 'Choose where the popup will be displayed.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'        => 'select',
						'std'         => 'center top',
						'priority'    => 4,
						'options'     => array_flip( apply_filters( 'popmake_popup_display_location_options', array() ) ),
					'position_top'    => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Top', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => sprintf( _x( 'Distance from the %s edge of the screen.', 'Screen Edge: top, bottom', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( __( 'Top', 'popup-maker' ) ) ),
						'type'        => 'rangeslider',
						'std'         => 100,
						'priority'    => 10,
						'step'        => 1,
						'min'         => 0,
						'max'         => 500,
						'unit'        => 'px',
					'position_bottom' => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Bottom', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => sprintf( _x( 'Distance from the %s edge of the screen.', 'Screen Edge: top, bottom', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( __( 'Bottom', 'popup-maker' ) ) ),
						'type'        => 'rangeslider',
						'std'         => 0,
						'priority'    => 10,
						'step'        => 1,
						'min'         => 0,
						'max'         => 500,
						'unit'        => 'px',
					'position_left'   => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Left', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => sprintf( _x( 'Distance from the %s edge of the screen.', 'Screen Edge: top, bottom', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( __( 'Left', 'popup-maker' ) ) ),
						'type'        => 'rangeslider',
						'std'         => 0,
						'priority'    => 10,
						'step'        => 1,
						'min'         => 0,
						'max'         => 500,
						'unit'        => 'px',
					'position_right'  => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Right', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => sprintf( _x( 'Distance from the %s edge of the screen.', 'Screen Edge: top, bottom', 'popup-maker' ), strtolower( __( 'Right', 'popup-maker' ) ) ),
						'type'        => 'rangeslider',
						'std'         => 0,
						'priority'    => 10,
						'step'        => 1,
						'min'         => 0,
						'max'         => 500,
						'unit'        => 'px',
			'animation' => array(
				'main' => array(
					'animation_type'   => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Animation Type', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => __( 'Select an animation type for your popup.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'        => 'select',
						'std'         => 'fade',
						'priority'    => 5,
						'options'     => array_flip( apply_filters( 'popmake_popup_display_animation_type_options', array() ) ),
					'animation_speed'  => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Animation Speed', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => __( 'Set the animation speed for the popup.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'        => 'rangeslider',
						'std'         => 350,
						'priority'    => 10,
						'step'        => 10,
						'min'         => 50,
						'max'         => 1000,
						'unit'        => __( 'ms', 'popup-maker' ),
					'animation_origin' => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Animation Origin', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => __( 'Choose where the animation will begin.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'        => 'select',
						'std'         => 'center top',
						'priority'    => 15,
						'options'     => array_flip( apply_filters( 'popmake_popup_display_animation_origin_options', array() ) ),
			'close'     => array(
				'main' => array(
					'overlay_click' => array(
						'label'       => __( 'Click Overlay to Close', 'popup-maker' ),
						'description' => __( 'Checking this will cause popup to close when user clicks on overlay.', 'popup-maker' ),
						'type'        => 'checkbox',
						'std'         => false,
						'priority'    => 5,

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