Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 813
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Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
PUM_Modules_Reviews::triggers( null $group = null, null $code = null )
Gets a list of triggers.
Description Description
Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 813
Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 813
Warning: Array to string conversion in /mnt/data/home/502433.cloudwaysapps.com/rhbymdevka/public_html/wp-content/themes/wporg-developer/inc/template-tags.php on line 808
Parameters Parameters
- $group
Default value: null
- $code
Default value: null
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/modules/reviews.php
public static function triggers( $group = null, $code = null ) { static $triggers; if ( ! isset( $triggers ) ) { $time_message = __( 'Hi there! You\'ve been using Popup Maker on your site for %s - I hope it\'s been helpful. If you\'re enjoying my plugin, would you mind rating it 5-stars to help spread the word?', 'popup-maker' ); $triggers = array( 'time_installed' => array( 'triggers' => array( 'one_week' => array( 'message' => sprintf( $time_message, __( '1 week', 'popup-maker' ) ), 'conditions' => array( strtotime( self::installed_on() . ' +1 week' ) < time(), ), 'link' => 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/popup-maker/reviews/?rate=5#rate-response', 'pri' => 10, ), 'one_month' => array( 'message' => sprintf( $time_message, __( '1 month', 'popup-maker' ) ), 'conditions' => array( strtotime( self::installed_on() . ' +1 month' ) < time(), ), 'link' => 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/popup-maker/reviews/?rate=5#rate-response', 'pri' => 20, ), 'three_months' => array( 'message' => sprintf( $time_message, __( '3 months', 'popup-maker' ) ), 'conditions' => array( strtotime( self::installed_on() . ' +3 months' ) < time(), ), 'link' => 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/popup-maker/reviews/?rate=5#rate-response', 'pri' => 30, ), ), 'pri' => 10, ), 'open_count' => array( 'triggers' => array(), 'pri' => 50, ), ); $pri = 10; $open_message = __( 'Hi there! You\'ve recently hit %s popup views on your site – that’s awesome!! If you\'d like to celebrate this milestone, rate Popup Maker 5-stars to help spread the word!', 'popup-maker' ); foreach ( array( 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 500000, 1000000, 5000000 ) as $num ) { $triggers['open_count']['triggers'][ $num . '_opens' ] = array( 'message' => sprintf( $open_message, number_format( $num ) ), 'conditions' => array( get_option( 'pum_total_open_count', 0 ) > $num, ), 'link' => 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/popup-maker/reviews/?rate=5#rate-response', 'pri' => $pri, ); $pri += 10; } $triggers = apply_filters( 'pum_reviews_triggers', $triggers ); // Sort Groups uasort( $triggers, array( __CLASS__, 'rsort_by_priority' ) ); // Sort each groups triggers. foreach ( $triggers as $k => $v ) { uasort( $triggers[ $k ]['triggers'], array( __CLASS__, 'rsort_by_priority' ) ); } } if ( isset( $group ) ) { if ( ! isset( $triggers[ $group ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $code ) ) { return $triggers[ $group ]; } else { return isset( $triggers[ $group ]['triggers'][ $code ] ) ? $triggers[ $group ]['triggers'][ $code ] : false; } } return $triggers; }
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