Process plugin deactivation
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File: classes/Extension/Activator.php
public function run() { if ( $this->get_status() != 'active' ) { // Display notice add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'missing_popmake_notice' ) ); } else { $class_name = $this->extension_class_name; // Generate an instance of the extension class in a PHP 5.2 compatible way. call_user_func( array( $class_name, 'instance' ) ); $this->extension_file = $this->get_static_prop( $class_name, 'FILE' ); $plugin_slug = explode( '/', plugin_basename( $this->extension_file ), 2 ); $this->extension_slug = str_replace( array( 'popup-maker-', 'pum-' ), '', $plugin_slug[0] ); // Handle licensing for extensions with valid ID & not wp repo extensions. if ( $this->extension_id > 0 && ! $this->extension_wp_repo && class_exists( 'PUM_Extension_License' ) ) { new PUM_Extension_License( $this->extension_file, $this->extension_name, $this->extension_version, 'Popup Maker', null, null, $this->extension_id ); } add_filter( 'pum_enabled_extensions', array( $this, 'enabled_extensions' ) ); } }
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