
Description Description

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File: classes/Admin/Templates.php

	public static function conditions_editor() {
		<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-pum-field-conditions">
			<# print(PUM_Admin.conditions.template.editor({groups: data.value})); #>

		<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-pum-condition-editor">
			<div class="facet-builder <# if (data.groups && data.groups.length) { print('has-conditions'); } #>">
						<?php _e( 'Conditions allow you to show your popup to a targeted segment of your sites users.', 'popup-maker' ); ?>

						<?php printf( '%2$s<i class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help" title="%1$s"></i>%3$s', sprintf( __( 'Learn more about %s', 'popup-maker' ), __( 'Targeting Conditions', 'popup-maker' ) ), '<a href="https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/article/351-popup-settings-box-targeting-option-settings?utm_medium=inline-doclink&utm_campaign=contextual-help&utm_source=plugin-popup-editor&utm_content=targeting-option-settings" target="_blank">', '</a>' ); ?>

				<ul class="ul-disc">
					<li><?php _e( 'By default, this popup will be loaded on every page of your site for all users.', 'popup-maker' ); ?></li>
					<li><?php _e( 'Target the popup to a specific segment by adding conditions below.', 'popup-maker' ); ?></li>
					<li><?php printf( __( 'Click the %s button for any condition to check the opposite of the chosen condition. The button will turn red %s when active.', 'popup-maker' ), '<i style="font-size: 1em; width: 1em; height: 1em; line-height:1.5em;" class="dashicons dashicons-warning"></i>', '<i style="width: 1em; height: 1em; font-size: 1em; line-height:1.5em; color:#a00;" class="dashicons dashicons-warning"></i>' ); ?></li>

				<section class="pum-alert-box" style="display:none"></section>
				<div class="facet-groups condition-groups">
					_.each(data.groups, function (group, group_ID) {
					index: group_ID,
					facets: group
				<div class="no-facet-groups">
					<label for="pum-first-condition"><?php _e( 'Choose a condition to target your popup to specific content or various other segments.', 'popup-maker' ); ?></label>
					<div class="facet-target">
						<button type="button" class="pum-not-operand dashicons-before dashicons-warning no-button" aria-label="<?php _e( 'Enable the Not Operand', 'popup-maker' ); ?>">
							<input type="checkbox" id="pum-first-facet-operand" value="1"/>
						<# print(PUM_Admin.conditions.template.selectbox({id: 'pum-first-condition', name: "", placeholder: "<?php _e( 'Choose a condition', 'popup-maker' ); ?>"})); #>

		<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-pum-condition-group">

			<div class="facet-group-wrap" data-index="{{data.index}}">
				<section class="facet-group">
					<div class="facet-list">
						<# _.each(data.facets, function (facet) {
						}); #>
					<div class="add-or">
						<button type="button" class="add add-facet no-button" aria-label="<?php _ex( 'Add another OR condition', 'aria-label for add new OR condition button', 'popup-maker' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'or', 'popup-maker' ); ?></button>
				<p class="and">
					<button type="button" class="add-facet no-button" aria-label="<?php _ex( 'Add another AND condition group', 'aria-label for add new AND condition button', 'popup-maker' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'and', 'popup-maker' ); ?></button>

		<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-pum-condition-facet">
			<div class="facet" data-index="{{data.index}}" data-target="{{data.target}}">
				<i class="or"><?php _e( 'or', 'popup-maker' ); ?></i>
				<div class="facet-col facet-target <# if (typeof data.not_operand !== 'undefined' && data.not_operand == '1') print('not-operand-checked'); #>">
					<button type="button" class="pum-not-operand dashicons-before dashicons-warning no-button" aria-label="<?php _e( 'Enable the Not Operand', 'popup-maker' ); ?>">
						<input type="checkbox" name="popup_settings[conditions][{{data.group}}][{{data.index}}][not_operand]" value="1"
						<# if (typeof data.not_operand !== 'undefined') print(PUM_Admin.utils.checked(data.not_operand, true, true)); #> />
					<# print(PUM_Admin.conditions.template.selectbox({index: data.index, group: data.group, value: data.target, placeholder: "<?php _e( 'Choose a condition', 'popup-maker' ); ?>"})); #>

				<div class="facet-settings facet-col">
					<# print(PUM_Admin.conditions.template.settings(data, data.settings)); #>

				<div class="facet-actions">
					<button type="button" class="remove remove-facet dashicons dashicons-dismiss no-button" aria-label="<?php _e( 'Remove Condition', 'popup-maker' ); ?>"></button>

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