
Save settings when needed.

Description Description

Source Source

File: classes/Admin/Settings.php

	public static function save() {
		if ( ! empty( $_POST['pum_settings'] ) && empty( $_POST['pum_license_activate'] ) && empty( $_POST['pum_license_deactivate'] ) ) {

			if ( ! isset( $_POST['pum_settings_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['pum_settings_nonce'], basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) {

			if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {

			$settings = self::sanitize_settings( $_POST['pum_settings'] );

			$settings = apply_filters( 'pum_sanitize_settings', $settings );

			if ( PUM_Utils_Options::update_all( $settings ) ) {
				self::$notices[] = array(
					'type'    => 'success',
					'message' => __( 'Settings saved successfully!', 'popup-maker' ),

				do_action( 'pum_save_settings', $settings );
			} else {
				self::$notices[] = array(
					'type'    => 'error',
					'message' => __( 'There must have been an error, settings not saved successfully!', 'popup-maker' ),


			 * Process licensing if set.
			 * // We store the key in wp_options for use by the update & licensing system to keep things cleanly detached.
			 * $old_license = get_option( 'pum_license_key' );
			 * if ( empty( $settings['pum_license_key'] ) ) {
			 * delete_option( 'pum_license_key' ); // empty key, remove existing license info.
			 * delete_option( 'pum_license' ); // empty key, remove existing license info.
			 * } else if ( $old_license != $settings['pum_license_key'] ) {
			 * update_option( 'pum_license_key', $settings['pum_license_key'] );
			 * delete_option( 'pum_license' ); // new license has been entered, so must reactivate
			 * // Prevent additional calls to licensing.
			 * if ( empty( $_POST['pum_license_activate'] ) ) {
			 * $message = PUM_Licensing::activate();
			 * if ( $message !== true && ! empty ( $message ) ) {
			 * self::$notices[] = array(
			 * 'type'    => 'error',
			 * 'message' => $message,
			 * );
			 * } else {
			 * self::$notices[] = array(
			 * 'type'    => 'success',
			 * 'message' => __( 'License activated successfully!', 'popup-maker' ),
			 * );
			 * }
			 * }
			 * }


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